Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Well today was more of a rough day for me because I go up to see my baby and she really just seemed more tired and didn't want to talk but which I understand why but as her mommy its so hard to see her like this because I just know how much energy my baby used to have and when I took her to the bathroom and she saw outside and says mommy its such a nice day and I said I know baby don't worry you will get to play outside soon. I just feel really emotional today just knowing she has to go through this and doesn't get to be a 4 year girl and be outside playing with her friends she just has to be in that bed. I think positive though and know that blood sugar will go down, I know it!

The other bummer of the day was we were told that she will probably not be able to go home until Friday and earliest is Thursday :-(Thats almost 2 week without my family at home...

My baby girl has yet another surgery tomorrow and also Chemo.. Really pray that all goes well and my baby will be good and not in to much pain. Tomorrow is also my husbands 27th birthday to.. but at least I got that covered so at least he can feel somewhat that its his special day :-)

Tonight as my kids and I were driving home from the mall one of Lizzy's recent favorite songs "Diamonds in the sky" came on and we just jammed out to it.. but gosh were tears coming down my face, just was picturing her singing like she does when she hears it.. really miss my girl.

Sorry for probably sounding so down today but needed to get it out somewhere.

thanks for listening.



  1. Dear Whitney and family, I'm so, so sorry you are having a down day. Please know how much I love and admire you for the strength and love you possess. I'm sure there will be more difficult days ahead, but I also know that HOPE and LOVE are strong. You possess BOTH as does dear Lizzy.
    Please know my heart and love and prayers are with all of you and that I am here for you in any way that I can.
    You are dear to me and I admire you so much. We all do.
    Love, Sheri

  2. very grateful that you are a part of my family. i think you are special. mike is a good man with a good wife. i love you all.
